The 6 Best Online Dating Sites in Colombia: 2018/2019 Edition

For those looking for the best online dating sites in Colombia, you’ve come to the proper place.

See, there’s a lot of hype about Colombian girls. Many a man wants to know how to meet them and seduce a few of these fine creatures. I know I did.

But there’s also some hype online about certain Colombian dating sites and apps. Some claim they’re the best way to meet Colombian women around. Others say they’re straight scams. The truth lies somewhere in between.

If you know how to properly use the best Colombian dating sites, you will meet stunning Colombianas while visiting this South American country.

– Best Online Dating Sites in Colombia –

P.S: See our top recommendation! Just click here.

If you don’t know how to use them, well, you’ll be taken for a ride. Colombianas know how to play the game, fellas.

They’re not stupid girls, especially when we’re talking street smarts and getting what they want from their beauty.

But enough of the fluff, let’s dive in.

In this article about online dating sites in Colombia, I’ll break down which sites actually work and will help you meet legit Colombian girls who love foreign men and travelers – guys just like you.

If you read anything before you head down to Colombia, this article should be it. The online dating sites below will lead to more dates in Colombia than any other thing you could do.

Te lo juro!

Why Do Colombian Dating Sites Work So Well?

Well, there’s a number of reasons. Online dating is popular in Colombia because of the women. Colombian girls are more than willing to chat with guys online. They’re often not thrilled with the dating options presented to them, especially if they’re not wealthy.

So, many Colombianas turn to online dating to meet different types of men. They’ll chat with guys for months on end, which is unnecessary from your perspective, until finally meeting the dude.

This brings me to my next point…

Many Colombian girls are downright bored. They might be struggling to find work. They might not have a job or school to go to. So they’ll need some entertainment. This means they turn to online dating and getting attention from men online.

This phenomenon is certainly true for girls living in smaller cities and towns around Colombia. A foreigner visiting her city might be one of the more exciting things to happen in months. Seriously.

Colombian women are stunning, but life in the country can be tough. While things have gotten safer these days, many women are still battling to find good jobs and get their education. Without a good job, they’re bored and looking for entertainment.

The overall point?

Colombia is a great place for men to utilize online dating because there are always women interested in a little entertainment and attention, especially from a traveling man who is way different than the guys she normally dates.

Plus, there aren’t many foreigners in Colombia outside of Medellin and Cartagena. So, you’re playing with a stacked deck when messaging girls on Colombian online dating sites. This is especially true in places like:

  • Cali
  • Barranquilla
  • Bogota
  • Pereira
  • Bucaramanga
  • Armenia
  • …And many other spots!

Plus, Colombian girls are sly and a bit sneaky. They’re more than willing to meet a random foreigner and hook up with him – if nobody she knows finds out about it. This makes online dating in Colombia especially attractive because the women can do things in private without their friends and/or boyfriend finding out.

The 6 Best Online Dating Sites in Colombia

Alright, now we’re getting to the good stuff. The best online dating sites in Colombia can be found below. I’ve tested every single Colombian dating site below personally. They all work, and this list is in order of which ones work best.

Here’s where to date online in Colombia:

#1. Colombian Cupid

There is no doubt. The best Colombian dating site is Colombian Cupid. It’s not even close, especially when you get outside of Bogota.

See, Colombian Cupid has so many active girls in nearly every city throughout the country. You can go to a city with 100,000 people in Colombia and there may be 200 active girls on this dating site every month.

That’s insane numbers!

In cities like Bogota, Medellin, and Cali – you’ll find thousands of women active every single month. There are over 1,000+ girls on Colombian Cupid almost all hours of the day.

Suffice to say, this Colombian dating site is more than active. What does that mean? You can almost guarantee yourself a handful of dates if you use the site for a month or two.

Seriously, you can’t miss with Colombian Cupid. You will meet sexy Colombianas if you use this site properly. The numbers are just on your side. There’s so many Colombian girls and only a few foreigners.

Should You Pay For Colombian Cupid?

Well, that depends. You do have to pay to message girls on Colombian Cupid. But there are three membership levels:

  • Standard
  • Gold 
  • Platinum

A standard Colombian Cupid membership allows you to browse profiles of girls in the country. However, you won’t be able to message them or respond to their messages.

A gold Colombian Cupid membership allows you to send unlimited messages, respond to any and all women, and basically, line up as many dates as your heart desires. Which in Colombia, is usually a whole hell of a lot.

Finally, a platinum membership features your profile. While you get a few extra features, we recommend sticking with the gold membership – because it offers everything you need to meet girls for a cheaper price.

Colombian Cupid – Our Verdict

I’m trying not to hype things up here. But I don’t think I’m doing a good job. The reality of the situation is this? If you’re coming to Colombia and want to meet women, then Colombian Cupid is the absolute best way to do that.

Outside of Bogota, where Tinder and nightlife are great, Colombian Cupid is generally the best way to meet women in every single city in Colombia.

No hype. Not lying here, hermano. Colombian Cupid works and you will get dates with cute Colombian women if you buy a membership.

#2. Tinder

Tinder in Colombia can be amazing, but it’s also a bit played out. Just being honest. If you don’t meet women on Tinder in your home country, you might not do that well with the app in Colombia, either.

That being said – Tinder is still the best Colombian dating app by far. Not the best Colombian online dating site, but definitely the best app.

And it works! You can line up a lot of dates with fine Colombian girls using Tinder, too. Lots of them. However, the reason we put Colombian Cupid ahead of Tinder is because of one thing…

Tinder works really well in Bogota and pretty damn decent in Medellin. Once you get outside these two cities, you’ll generally find that more girls use Colombian Cupid than Tinder. For example, there just aren’t that many women using Tinder in Cali, Colombia.

Also, there are more foreigners using Tinder than any other site or app. Competition is high, especially in Medellin and somewhat in Bogota. You’ll be up against steep competition unless you have a great Tinder profile.

Oh, and there are more prepgaos on Tinder in Colombia than on any other site. You’ll need a keen filter to find out if the girl is looking for dating or money. Often, the line is pretty grey. And you’ll definitely need some Spanish to figure out what she’s looking for on Tinder.

Enough of the hate though! With a little understanding of how Tinder in Colombia works, you can line up dozens of dates each month through the online dating app.

Tinder in Colombia – Our Verdict

Overall, every guy looking to meet women in Colombia should be using Tinder until they have a girlfriend or harem of sexy Colombianas to spend time with. The Colombian dating app definitely works.

It’s just not the #1 best Colombian online dating site right now. Too many foreigners, too many prepagos, and it’s really only great in a couple cities.

#3. Latin American Cupid

Now, here’s where things get tricky. Latin American Cupid is another amazing online dating site in Colombia. However, it’s made by the same guys that run Colombian Cupid. So many guys wonder if it’s worth it to buy a membership here.

Well, like all things in life, that depends.

For some guys, Latin American Cupid can be exceptionally fruitful. For others, they’ll find more benefit on Colombian Cupid and/or Tinder.

How to decide which online dating sites to use?

Well, you could just use them all. If you’re coming to Colombia just for women, then you may want to stack the deck as much as possible. Using Latin American Cupid in Colombia allows you to just that – and more!

You’ll generally find Latin American Cupid has about 80% of the active women on Colombian Cupid in any given city. For example, if there are 1,000 active girls in Cali, Colombia on Colombian Cupid, then they’ll be around 800 on Latin American Cupid.

Out of this 80%, they’ll be around 80% of the women only be using Latin American Cupid. They won’t be on Colombian Cupid. This means you’ll have a solid amount of new girls to work with when using Latin American Cupid instead of Colombian Cupid.

For guys living in Colombia, switching to Latin American Cupid after using Colombian Cupid for a month or two often offers a solid change of pace.

Plus, there are generally fewer foreigners on Latin American Cupid compared to Colombian Cupid. So, that’s a pretty great benefit, too.

Should You Pay For Latin American Cupid?

Just like Colombian Cupid, there are three membership levels here:

  • Standard
  • Gold
  • Platinum

A standard membership on Latin American Cupid allows you to browse profiles, but you can read messages girls send or send messages to cute Colombian girls.

A gold membership offers unlimited messaging. This means you can write messages and respond to an unlimited number of Colombian girls. You can chat with girls as much as you want when buying this membership.

A platinum membership offers a few extra benefits, but it’s not necessary. You will get just as many dates using a gold membership as you would with a platinum one. So, buy a gold membership. Don’t waste money on platinum.

Latin American Cupid in Colombie – Our Verdict

Overall, I’ve found Latin American Cupid to be an ideal online dating site for men living in Colombia, wanting to maximize their chances, and for guys who speak decent Spanish.

Latin American Cupid is a solid alternative to Colombian Cupid once you understand dating culture in this South American country and have met some women.

Colombian Cupid is still Batman, but Latin American Cupid is one hell of a Robin. A Robin that helps sexy Colombian girls end up in your bedroom.

#4. Instagram

Ok, so here’s the deal. Instagram isn’t technically one of the best Colombian dating sites or apps. It’s a social media site dedicated to photo sharing. There’s technically no dating aspect to the site, in Colombia or anywhere else.

However, many people, especially Colombian girls, are open to meeting up with someone from the app. What am I saying? You can use Instagram like a dating app in Colombia if you know what you’re doing.

The best part? The hottest women in Colombia use this app. Seriously, you’ll find some straight models on Instagram in Colombia. that doesn’t necessarily mean you can meet them. It just means they’re active and using this app consistently.

Now, there is one issue with Instagram. It takes time and effort to build a great profile. We’re talking months of effort. You also need to be able to take great photos of yourself, aka being somewhat photogenic.

For these reasons, Instagram isn’t ranked higher. It’s much easier to create a Tinder profile or buy a Colombian Cupid membership – and start meeting girls in Colombia ASAP.

Instagram game takes time. Once you have a solid profile, you’ll then need to learn how to get attention from Colombian women and send them DMs.

It’s quite the process and can be a pain in the arse. However, there are a few benefits. First, you can meet girls that would never use Tinder or Cupid. This means they probably haven’t met that many foreign guys.

Also, most guys don’t do this. Well, at least not properly. So, you’ll end up with an untapped market of sexy Colombianas – if you figure it out.

Personally, I’ve met a girl on Instagram in Colombia that I dated for three months. And she was a smokeshow. So, I’m a fan.

Instagram in Colombia – Our Verdict

Great for guys under 40 who already have an Instagram profile that shows value. However, most men will find far better results on Tinder and Colombian Cupid. Still, Instagram is a viable Colombia online dating app.

#5. Badoo

As much as I hate it, there’s still tons of Colombian girls that use Badoo. Yes, Badoo is still a viable online dating site in Colombia. There are hundreds of active girls each and every week in cities throughout the country.

Now, that doesn’t mean I recommend it. Unless your budget is really tight or you’re living in a city of fewer than 200,000 people, I believe Badoo is a waste in Colombia.

There are just too many other great Colombian dating sites to use. But some guys still have great success with Badoo, especially for guys who have used the site for awhile now and understand how to use superpowers.

Overall, you can meet girls on Badoo and it’s one of the more active online dating apps in Colombia. But it’s old-school and some of the girls you meet on Badoo won’t be of the highest quality. Trust me on this. I’ve tried Badoo in Colombia multiple times before.

Badoo in Colombia – Our Verdict

There are girls using Badoo in Colombia. That doesn’t mean you need to use the site. Unless you’ve used Badoo successfully for years or are going to a small town, I don’t recommend it.

#6. OkCupid

OkCupid in Colombia is just ok. You’ll find some girls on the site who are a little nerdier and usually pretty interested in foreign guys.

Most OkCupid girls in Colombia will not want to use Tinder because it’s a hookup app and despise Colombian Cupid because of the older guys who message them nasty shit. Not my opinion, just want the Colombianas have told me, fellas.

So, they want a free alternative to said sites where they can meet foreign guys. Well, that’s where OkCupid comes in.

There aren’t a ton of girls using the site, but it can be solid because the Colombian girls using the site usually respond quickly.

Would I make it a priority? No, as there are not enough girls. But if you already have a profile, feel free to send out a few messages.

OkCupid in Colombia – Our Verdict

Use it if you already have an OkCupid profile. There are a few Colombian girls using this site, but overall, it’s definitely not worth it to make a profile.


Best Colombian Dating Sites and Apps: Your Go-To Guide

Well, that’s about it, hermano. Everything you’d need to know about Colombian dating sites and apps. This piece should help you decide where to meet girls online in Colombia with maximum efficiency.

Seriously, these sites work. I wouldn’t hype them up as the best online dating sites in Colombia – if they didn’t really work.

With the combination of Colombian Cupid and Tinder, you should be able to meet enough women to keep your heart content in Colombia. And by that, I mean more Colombianas with thick culos than you know what to do with!

P.S: Start browsing profiles today. Just click here to sign up for Colombia Cupid!

Papi Chulo

About the Author

Papi Chulo

Living and traveling around Latin America, Papi Chulo learned a thing or two about dating stunning Latinas. Now, he's sharing that information with the world. If you've ever wanted to meet stunning, exotic women - the time is now!