Language Blend Review: Learn Spanish. Meet Colombian Girls.

There’s only one reason I wrote this Language Blend review. Why? Because it’ll help you meet more Colombian women and get them on dates.

And you like Colombian girls, right?

Me too. Lemme guess what you like about them:

  • Curvy hips, small waists, round chests
  • Long, straight black hair down past their asses
  • Their feminine appearance – makeup, high heels, tight jeans, etc.
  • Their fiery nature: passionate arguments and even more passionate sex

So if you like Colombian chicas, what’s the best way to get them?

You could jack off to Latina porn. It’s low-risk but lonely – trust me. Or you could search on Tinder or Instagram for some hot Colombian girls.

Well, you’re getting closer. The answer is so simple you’ll kick yourself.

Go talk to them!

Now you’re probably saying, “Duh! I know that Papi Chulo!”

Okay, smartass. I bet you don’t know that most people in Latin America speak zero English. So…

You need to learn Spanish!

I learned this lesson the hard way. Literally.

And I dreamt about girls with plump asses and tan skin. I wanted to meet sweet, feminine girls who knew how to please their man in bed. And I knew that Latin America and millions of those types of women.

So I took the leap.


I Headed To Colombia to Conquer The Local Women

But before I went, I contacted all my friends who had been to Colombia. I asked them for tips.

Do know what they all said? This:

“Learn Spanish”

That was it. Nothing else. Nothing more.

So, did I listen to guys who had lived in Colombia and dated local women? Did I get my ass in a Spanish class and my nose in a textbook?

Nope. I was a stubborn fuck. I thought I could to Colombia and get by on my mediocre looks and non-existent charm.

Can you guess how I did with the women on my first trip to Medellin?

You got it: I bombed!

Not a single Colombian girl showed any interest in me. Well, except for the ones who hung out on street corners at 2 am wearing fishnet stockings.

I was so disappointed, I considered paying some girl. But my bank account sucked even more than my looks.

So I had to admit: these gringo expats living in Colombia, and my friends who had visited many times, were right. That’s when I decided to learn Spanish.

I enrolled in a local Spanish school. Here’s what I learned the first week:

“El Pescado está malo” / The fish is bad.

I quit at the end of that first week.

Then, I torrented a copy of Rosetta Stone Level One. I tried it for few days and learned how to match a picture of a fly to the Spanish word for fly – Mosca.

I wasn’t getting anywhere. Learning Spanish in this way was not getting me closer to my goal of talking to sexy Hispanic women. I was surrounded by some of the most attractive women in the world but I couldn’t connect with them.

But one day I found something a bit different…

I found an immersive program that taught Spanish for guys who love Latinas

I can’t remember where I heard about Language Blend. It could have been a Facebook group for Medellin expats. But once I read the website, I knew it would help me hook up with some Colombian girls.

So instead of paying for one of those Colombian hookers hanging around on my street, I took that money and invested it in my Spanish learning.

I spent 3 months in the program. It was my focus for the time. I had one-on-one zoom lessons almost every other day. I took lots of notes and practiced what I learned. Here’s what changed in my dating life:

  • I got my Spanish from retard-level to able-to-hold-a-basic-conversation
  • This resulted in 7 dates from Tinder & Colombian Cupid
  • I had a 5-minute chat with a Colombian girl on the street
  • I felt more comfortable going out to bars and clubs to meet new people

Anyway, I enjoyed the course so much that…

I wanted to write a review to help guys get the most out of their time in Colombia. Read on if you want to know the advantages and disadvantages of the Language Blend method.

How It Works

You will get unlimited access to native speaking tutors from around the world as well as a dedicated texting partner. You can literally book a class every single day with a high quality teacher if you wanted to. Also they only have tutors who are friendly and fun to talk to / flirt with 🙂


Who It’s For

So anyway, you might be thinking: “Sounds great. But will Language Blend work for me?”

I can’t say for sure. And yet after tearing the course apart, the system will benefit you if:

  • You want to use Spanish and not learn it
  • For those who don’t like traditional methods of learning languages: memorizing lists of words, grammar rules etc.
  • You don’t want to sit in a classroom. You would rather practice your Spanish with human beings – attractive ones with boobs

If that’s you, Language Blend will be a better investment of your time and money than spending hours listening to Pimsleur CDs.

And if you’re on the fence, remember: the main course and the resources are growing and developing.

This isn’t one of those, “launch and abandon” type of online courses. You get continuouscontinuous learning with one on one zoom calls.

Language Blend Review: Cons

Of course, no product is perfect. So here are the suggestions I’ve sent to the Language Blend team – they’re good at replying and accepting feedback.

  • Ability to choose the exact tutor you want to have classes with.
  • More availbility. Sometimes you can’t get a teacher that same day and its a bit frustration. Imagine this issue will disappear as they grow. 

Language Blend Review: Learn Spanish. Meet Colombian Girls.

Ok, I’ll wrap this up now. I hope you enjoyed my review of Language Blend. If you want to know more about the course, just click here.

If you want sexy Latin women in your life, take action. Learn Spanish and start chatting with them.

Seriously, learning how to speak Spanish in a smooth manner will make your life 10X better in Colombia. And trust me, you’ll need it when dealing with that stunning yet flaky Colombiana who you’re trying to arrange a date with.

That’s it for my Language Blend review.

Hasta luego,

Papi Chulo

Papi Chulo

About the Author

Papi Chulo

Living and traveling around Latin America, Papi Chulo learned a thing or two about dating stunning Latinas. Now, he's sharing that information with the world. If you've ever wanted to meet stunning, exotic women - the time is now!